Varje månad sänder HR ut ett månadsbrev med lite "bra att ha" info. Bland annat skriver alla nyanställda några små rader om sig själva. Låt mig säga att deras ordval ofta skiljer sig en del från vad jag skulle valt. Jag ger er nedan ett exempel från en nyanställd kille. Jag har varit snäll nog att ta bort bild och namn :-).
"I’m XXX, a poor man, who knows himself little but was asked to write something about himself, who is still working on it, 12 o’clock at night! Let me see, urh….male, born in Sichuan, grow up in Xinjiang…graduated from SHUFE last year, then work at The Dow Chemical Company, joined IKEA this week, now in AP team, located at 7th floor of Tianlong Rd. office….play football, ping pang, NFS, and favorite car brand is Benz… God, it’s too hard for me to write these things, which I nearly have no time to enjoy for the past one year, sad! Probably you have seen my picture, do I look good? Guess so. But please do not fall in love with it, as you will love me more when you get to know my personality. Seriously I am not that kind of good-looking guy, but girls will gradually love me; I am neither that kind of hard-working work fellow, but finally boss will favor me. You wonder why? I will never tell unless you manage to find me with my email XXX at your nearest convenience."
Undrar hur han tänkte...
Det vore spännande att få se fotot också!!
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